Project 52, Weeks 31 & 32 {Personal Photography Project}

Got a bit behind again in posting my Project 52 images.  Sorry about that.

Week 31’s theme was “family”.  Once a week, the boys have swim lessons with one hour of free time in between – right at the dinner hour.  So rather than drive all the way back home to pound down a quick meal, we’ve been going out to dinner in between their lessons.  We’ve tried out a variety of different restaurants, but of course their favorite is McD’s.  Here is our youngest enjoying some lemonade and giving me the look of death…he obviously was not in the mood for pictures that day.  LOL  This was shot with my Droid 2 phone.  I’m still perplexed on how to explain the EXIF data.  All I can tell for certain is that it was ISO 200.  Based on the way the image looks, I’d guess the aperture to be around F11.  I edited this very quickly using Nik Color Efex 4.0 trial and reducing the opacity a smidge.

Project 52 Week 31: "Family" by Kim Hill


Week 32’s theme was “big” and I knew exactly what I wanted to capture for it…the great black wasp.  You’re probably shuddering at the thought right?!  Well, to be honest with you, so was I while standing out there trying to snag a shot without getting stung.  I have never seen these wasps before, not until this year when several of them took to our summer sweet bush along the corner of our garage.  These are HUGE – like 2 inches long.  And they flit around so fast that it’s really quite a task to try to get a photo.  This is the best of the bunch…and even this is not perfectly sharp in focus.  I do want to point out that it’s pretty cool that I was able to capture his “tongue”…none of the other shots had that.  For those interested in settings, I shot this with my Canon 70-200L handheld (first mistake) at ISO 50, F 2.8 at 1/400.  Next time, I’ll need to shoot at a higher F-stop to have a better chance at nailing focus.  Since the blossoms are now gone, I’ll have to just wait til next summer.

Project 52 Week 32:  "Big" by Kim Hill
Are you doing your own Project 52 or Project 365/66?  If so, please post a link to your images in the comments below.   🙂

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About Kim Hill

I’m passionate about my work and helping women feel comfortable in front of my lens. I want women to feel confident and sexy regardless of age or size. All women are beautiful and I'm here to help them see the beauty in themselves and the boudoir photographic experience is one step in that direction. I am dedicated to bringing a high-quality experience to the boudoir portrait session. My goal is to offer a fun yet relaxing environment where a woman can let down her guard, allowing that inner sparkle to shine. I’ve been a photographer for more than 25 years now. I started as a young child with my parents' 110 film camera, moved on to study photography in college, interned with a wedding photographer for a couple of years and then struck out on my own. I've been doing general portraits since 1998 and boudoir work since 2009. In addition to boudoir, I also offer high school senior portraits, fashion inspired sessions, and business executive head shots.
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7 Responses to Project 52, Weeks 31 & 32 {Personal Photography Project}

  1. tamsen says:

    love the wasp shot- you’ve got nerve!

  2. Beth says:

    I love your son’s expression, and wow that’s a huge wasp!

  3. ooooh, I LOVE the look of death…hehehe

  4. We loved Mcd’s at our house! Such a fun everyday picture!

  5. Melissa says:

    I wish my girls would sit still long enough to capture a decent picture with my phone. The darn thing is so painstakingly slow!

  6. Kelly Q says:

    I don’t know how you stood there to take that wasp shot. It is an awesome shot, but I don’t think I could stand that still by it to get it. lol

  7. haha! I get that look a lot from my kids LOL!

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