Broken Foot (with xray for your viewing pleasure!)

As you may have already heard, I broke my foot Saturday night. Was walking down the stairs and simply missed the last step. Landed on the right side of my right foot, breaking the end off the 5th metatarsal.  This is the first time I've broken a bone and they even gave me a disc with the xrays on it.  I brought it into photoshop and added this red arrow so you can see right where it broke. 


This afternoon I went to the ortho and was told I had a "good" break and that it wouldn't need to be casted. The tendon is still attached so the doc is pretty certain that this will
heal in place on it's own without further intervention.  I was thrilled and raised my arms up with excitement shouting out a big "woohoo" right there in the exam room.

Doc said I need to continue to keep it elevated to bring the swelling down and I can continue to take pain meds as needed.  I have a rigid black shoe that I can start wearing once I am able to put pressure on my foot without pain.  He said I can try as soon as tomorrow, but that it will still take 3-4 weeks before I am fully recovered.  I'll go back mid-April for new xrays.

So until then, I'll be relaxing in bed with hubby's laptop, a bunch of photo magazines, Rachel Ray mags and my trusty Sudoku book.  🙂

About Kim Hill

I’m passionate about my work and helping women feel comfortable in front of my lens. I want women to feel confident and sexy regardless of age or size. All women are beautiful and I'm here to help them see the beauty in themselves and the boudoir photographic experience is one step in that direction. I am dedicated to bringing a high-quality experience to the boudoir portrait session. My goal is to offer a fun yet relaxing environment where a woman can let down her guard, allowing that inner sparkle to shine. I’ve been a photographer for more than 25 years now. I started as a young child with my parents' 110 film camera, moved on to study photography in college, interned with a wedding photographer for a couple of years and then struck out on my own. I've been doing general portraits since 1998 and boudoir work since 2009. In addition to boudoir, I also offer high school senior portraits, fashion inspired sessions, and business executive head shots.
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