I thought I would take a moment to share with you one of my favorite products – memory books (aka coffee table books).

What makes these different from a traditional photo album is that they are (a) in book format, (b) are a press-printed product, (c) are custom designed with artwork, (d) are personalized with journaling about the subject(s).
Since these are custom designed for each client, no two are ever the same. However, if you really like one of the sample books I’ve shown here, I would be happy to use that as a basis for creating your own memory book with the addition of some personalization to make it truly unique.
The most popular size is 8×8 inches, but I also offer other sizes from 5×5 up to 12×12. High school seniors especially like these as I usually leave room for them to write in their own personal memories or even have their friends hand write a note. It’s a wonderful keepsake that you will cherish for many years to come.

As you can see, the pages spread across the center seam allowing for full page spreads. The cover is completely wrapped around from front to back and can be just one image or a fully designed custom cover. We will work together to decide how you would like your memory book to look in its finished form.
While a traditional album is a collection of images, a memory book is a collection of images PLUS MEMORIES in an artisticly designed format. High school seniors especially like these as they are so personal to them. Grandparents will also cherish having a copy for themselves as a keepsake – and when you order more than one of the same book, I will give you a reduced price on the extra copies. 😉

At your next session, be sure to ask me to show you these samples so that you can really get a feel for the amount of detail that is put into each book. I’d love to share them with you!